Friday, November 19, 2010

Eliminated 'DWTS' Pro Maksim: Shame on Bristol Palin

Eliminated 'DWTS' Pro Maksim: Shame on Bristol Palin

Viewers weren't the only ones who were surprised to see Brandy and her partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy sent packing on this week's Dancing with the Stars. In fact, the dance pro was shocked by their elimination -- and he's not hiding his anger.

"For me personally, it's probably the one that's the hardest to swallow," Chmerkovskiy told E! News, of Tuesday night's ousting. "This season has just been ridiculous since day one. Just one after another after another. Brandy and I think this is the culminating point of this season, it just came crashing down. We almost feel like the effort wasn't worth it. We put in a lot of work. We put in a lot of effort. It's been a very, very difficult season...It just feels like it was an uphill climb the entire time and to really come that short of the finale. It's just very upsetting."

Chmerkovskiy also admits that he has a problem with contestant Bristol Palin, who managed to make it into the top three.

"I felt really disappointed with Bristol," the dancer said. "On Monday night, I found out that she went on record saying that I said something about her along the lines of, 'I don't like her because she's still here and she's not a good enough dancer.' Every time I've opened my mouth about Bristol, I've been nothing but supportive...For her to come out on Monday night and totally smear my name the way she did, that's just completely uncalled for...I have no idea where she got it from, but wherever she got it from, shame on her and shame on whoever told her that."

Which could be why he's not exactly pulling for her in the finale.

"I think at this point I'm rooting for Kyle (Massey) because this kid has come on with no fan base, with not a known name, not someone who is in incredible shape or had a phenomenal dance background," he said. "Kyle does have the same resilience as Bristol, same dance ability as Jennifer (Grey), but he's just that kid next door...I think he's amazing."

But Chmeriskoviy isn't the only person Palin has offended recently. Her 16-year-old sister Willow had some harsh words for a young man named Tre, who criticized their mother's show on Facebook. "Sarah Palin's Alaska is failing so hard right now," he wrote in his status Sunday night. Willow then responded by writing on his wall: "Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are, But what I've seen pictures of, your disgusting ... My sister had a kid and is still hot...Tre stfu. Your such a f****t."

Bristol then joined in the trash talk. "You're running your mouth just to talk s**t," she wrote.

Both sisters were facing heat after their offensive comments. So Wednesday, Bristol issued an apology on her own wall. "Willow and I shouldn't have reacted to negative comments about our family," she said. "We apologize. On a nicer note, thank you for supporting the great competition in Dancing with the Stars!"

So, was this just a bad week for Bristol Palin -- or does she need to be more careful with words?

Do you think Bristol Palin was out of line? Chime in below!


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